Did you know that desexing your pet could give it a healthier life? Here’s a good deal for pet parents in Manly West and nearby suburbs! A 24-hr veterinary hospital, Manly Road Vet, is offering a discounted rate for desexing pets for a limited time only.
From March to 28 April 2023, Manly Road Vet will cut 20 per cent off the standard desexing fee to help households manage their budget and avail of this much-needed procedure for their furry family members.
Desexing cats or dogs prevents unwanted litter which makes caring for pets a lot more challenging. The procedure has also been proven to change the behaviour of the animal, reducing issues like running away that may lead to accidents, especially among male pets, or developing uterine or ovarian tumours in female pets.

A desexed pet may also become less aggressive towards people and other animals and lessen their tendency to mark spots with their urine, which can be stressful for a lot of pet parents.
Manly Road Vet will ensure that your pet will comfortable throughout the procedure, especially with post-surgery pain management. Phone the hospital’s Customer Support Team via 3396 9733 for questions.
Whilst you’re there with your dog or cat, try out the new lactose-free puppaccinos from the Kaldi Coffee Cart located at the hospital’s verandah.

Follow Manly Road Vet on Instagram for more updates on the latest deals.